Center Tag < center >

Center Tag <center></center>:-

The <center> tag is used to center-align text and tag.


<center>text and tag</center>


<title>Index | Center tag </title>

<body bgcolor="lightblue" text="black">
<!-- example of formatting tags  -->
<h2>Text formatting Tags</h2>
<b> - Bold text</b><br>
<strong> - Important text</strong><br>
<i> - Italic text</i><br>
<em> - Emphasized text</em><br>
<mark> - Marked text</mark><br>
<small> - Small text<small><br>
<del> - Deleted text</del><br>
<ins> - Inserted text</ins><br>
<sub> - Subscript text</sub><br>
<sup> - Superscript text</sup><br>

<h4>Formatting Tags in the Paragraph</h4>
<hr align="center" size="3" width="25%" color="green">

<b>Notepad</b> is a basic <i>text-editing program</i> and 
it's most commonly used to <mark>view or edit text files.</mark> 
A text file is a file type typically identified by the .
txt file name <u>extension</u>.



The output of the above code :-

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